Sabtu, 07 Maret 2015

a healthy tips

Pomegranate seeds already in use by physicians of ancient Greece in ancient times as a contraceptive. While in traditional Indian medicine known as Ayurveda, the pomegranate is referred to as a substance that gives a cooling effect on the nerves and blood -especially. Now, various studies and scientific papers published about the pomegranate has many, especially in the medical field. Some of the benefits generated pomegranate in overcoming the disease, among others.
Conqueror of prostate cancer. Results of a study by researchers from the University of California Los Angeles, found that pomegranate juice may inhibit the development of prostate cancer cells to the sufferer. Consumption of pomegranate juice in small doses every day can also prevent the return of prostate cancer for men who never suffer. Through research, led by dr. Allan Pantuck, the visible deterioration in the level of PSA (prostate-specific antigen), a protein-producing cells of prostate cancer in men who drank it.

From teeth to cancer. Some studies believe that pomegranate drink is a natural way to prevent dental plaque. Some experts even quite sure that the pomegranate is also able to prevent Alzheimer's disease. Meanwhile, another study found that people who drank pomegranate juice at least 3 times a week can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease more than 50% compared with those who did not. And not just prostate cancer that 'fear' in pomegranate. Previously, researchers have also been able to prove the benefits of pomegranate seed extract for recovery of leukemia cells to normal condition. In addition, pomegranate is also believed to inhibit the development of lung cancer.